With yoga, we use the poses to get into our bodies — not the other way around.
Yoga is the closest thing to magic I have discovered so far. It is healing and growth; vulnerability and strength; woven together with threads of ancient wisdom. There is always more to learn, always more to discover about the Self.
I began practicing yoga in eating disorder treatment, and it has led me down a path of complete recovery. Yoga was the first type of movement that allowed me to connect with my body, independent from what it looks like. It was the first time I discovered what it means to move my body out of love, rather than out of a desire to change it. Yoga let me come home to myself, and it is for this reason that I became a yoga instructor.
I teach through themes of nature, love, and empowerment. Every class has a different theme, and no two classes contain the same sequence of poses. I teach from the heart, and I meet my students where they are. My teaching focuses on the alignment and purpose of each posture, building poses from the ground up. My classes are a space for anyone and everyone — whether you are brand new to yoga, a seasoned yogi, or anywhere in between. Yoga is for every body. My goal in teaching yoga is to create a compassionate space where each student feels accepted, capable, and loved; because you are.
Ram Dass said, “We are all walking each other home.” This is the lens through which I teach. My goal is for you to leave each class feeling at least a little more centered, more connected to your Self, and more at home in your body.
Cat's Classes:
​Check out the Classes page for information on Cat's Monday Night Series.
Accepting cash, check or Venmo: @Catherine_Robb