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My passion is to empower women to live and lead with heart. I believe that a strong commitment to personal wellness and self-care is essential.  Through yoga, meditation, mindfulness, and coaching, those who study with me go deep into their inner wisdom to live with greater ease and joy.


I found yoga during a very difficult time in my life as a way to help me cope with chronic stress and feelings of being overwhelmed and burned out. It soon became a mainstay in my life and helped me be a strong, courageous, and compassionate leader. As I worked with other women leaders, I noticed that they tended to put others’ needs and wellness above their own, and eventually their effectiveness as a leader was compromised due to a decline in their overall health and wellness. I have made it my mission to share what I have learned, stop the glorification of busy, and support women on their wellness journey so that they can thrive and share their brilliance!


Lisa's Classes:

Roll, Restore and Recover: Myofascial Release 

These classes will typically be held the second Saturday of each month.

 Please check out the "classes" page for more details.


Participants will learn how to use yoga therapy balls, blocks, props and gentle yoga to release tight fascia.  This practice can help alleviate chronic pain, release deep muscle tension, aid in lymphatic drainage and increase range of motion. All props will be provided for the practice.



$20 per class.

Private Yoga, Meditation, Mindfulness, or Coaching Sessions - $75/hour





Lisa accepts online payment through her Leading Heart Wellness website. She also accepts cash, check and payment through PayPal. 


To register and pay for class online, please click here. Find the class of your choice and click Register. Online registration and payments made online can also be canceled and refunded.


To use PayPal, search for @leadingheartwellness username or request a QR code from Lisa at the time of class. 



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