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Guided by mother nature and sisterhood.


Lisa Kaufman


Lisa’s playful spirit and reverence for Mother Nature are the North Stars that guide her yoga teaching, personal practice, and creative pursuits. A nurturer at heart, she leads with passion and purpose and fosters warm and welcoming spaces for all.


Her first pregnancy inspired an evolution of her yoga practice to foster connection with her baby, trust in her body's wisdom and honor the sacredness of emergent Motherhood. She now seeks to cultivate opportunities for folx to celebrate the potency and richness of their own journey into Parenthood and has developed her signature offering -- the Pregnancy Sisterhood Series -- in service of this vision.


Lisa weaves community by facilitating Women’s Circles and has studied the art of ceremony with teachers steeped in Earth-based philosophies. She trained in Hatha and Vinyasa yoga with the Samma Karuna School of Awakening, is a certified Reiki II practitioner through the Orion Healing Center and completed her Prenatal Yoga Teacher and Doula Trainings with Awakened Spirit Yoga and The Doula School.


Lisa (who is expecting her second baby at the end of May!) is thrilled to be leading her 5-week Pregnancy Sisterhood Series at Yoga Love of Honeoye Falls this spring.  The series incorporates a blend of yoga and embodied practices, guided meditations and journaling exercises, art explorations, connection circles and ceremony and is open to all who identify as a pregnant person within their 1-3 Trimester. 




Pregnancy Sisterhood Series: A 5 week celebration

Sundays from 2:00pm -4:30pm

March 10th through April 7th




$225 with scholarships available.




If interested in participating, please fill out this form and Lisa will contact you directly with next steps! For additional information on her series, please visit 

Any additional questions may be directed to Lisa at

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